

Jan 29, 2011

Poem: The Vocabulary Toolbox

Ben Awe getting a Caribbean Sandwich!  
I usually try to blog twice a month but as usual, I am pressed for time and can't find the opportunity to write as much as I desire. Luckily, a fellow Chaa Creek colleague shared his poem with me and I was extremely impressed with the message behind it. I wish I could provide more background knowledge on the poem but I have no clue what inspired him to write the vocabulary toolbox and if I was a better blogger, I should have ensured to have that answer  sorry. 
If you are interested in finding out more information on the poem , you can contact Ben Awe through his facebook page.  

The Vocabulary Toolbox    ~   Ben Awe

Some words are smooth as silk
Others, rough like sandpaper
Some words are salty to the palate
While others are sweet as honey

Some words earn you money
While others; ill repute
Some words uplift and heal
Others wound and rebuke

Some words speak of pleasant aroma,
While others have a pungent stench

Some words are spoken in the light
While others are whispered in the night
Some words speak of stars and heights
While others chart the depths out of sight

Some words reveal secrets
While others conceal conspiracy
Some words work hard and do invent
While others have espionage and sabotage intent

Some words are mild & meek
While others are brave and robust
Some are sophisticated and eloquent
Some words are honest and sincere
While others hide between the lines in connotation

Some words are colorful and flamboyant
While others describe shades of grew dismay
Some words speak of peace, harmony and love
While others of war, betrayal and hate; what a terrible fate!

Some words have creativity and imagination
While others have realist and pessimist indignation
Some words are well traveled & speak many tongues
While others are yet to be discovered

In your vocabulary toolbox, make sure to place your words in labeled compartments such as “Toxic, keep under lock & key”.  Those pleasant & kind words go under “To be shared” while those of dishonesty & degrade are labeled, “Keep Out”.  Those words of happy expression and even those of creative exaggeration go together under the label of “Pass along”.  Those of purity and integrity are labeled, “Gold Standard”. Those words that speak of toil and facts go into the “Everyday” compartment.  Which words will you use today?


  1. Hello, the poem was inspired by during a sleepless night as I reflected on how the spoken/written word has power, our brains are programmed to respond to words - words activate neurons with transmit signals which are interpreted and/or attached to emotional responses ( Bottom line is that we all need be responsible the spoken/written word.

  2. This is awesome. I love the thought. Thanks for letting Lorenzo share it Ben! i will make sure I store my thoughts (and words) carefully in the right storage container!

  3. Nice poem. Like it very much. Want more like this.Petter Joe


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